A suspension bridge tall 30 mt., welcoming the coastal street SS 163, climbs over and frames a little bay and a little seafaring village, named Furore Fiord. It is an enchanting naturalist scene, admirable above all from the sea (do not miss our Amalfi Coast Minicruise), where you will have the chance to embrace, in a look, the beauty of this heaven’s corner. The wonderful scenary of the famous Furore Fiord has inspired movie directors (“L’Amore” of Roberto Rossellini was filmed here. The director Roberto Rossellini and the actress Anna Magnani lived there, as well), theatrical performances and it hosts, every year, an important step of the World Championship Diving from Great Heights.

star rating  Gozzo Sorrentino , Costa d'Amalfi fattori fondamentali per una splendida giornata. Il gozzo tenuto in modo maniacale spendeva e brillava anche per pulizia . Il marinaio Francesco ,figura rassicurante e... read more

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29 November 2017

star rating  Per apprezzare veramente la Costiera Amalfitana bisogna vederla dal mare ed il giusto compromesso è utilizzare i servizi di Capone! Gita di 4 ore abbondanti, con sosta di un'ora a... read more

20 June 2019
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