Suspended between the sky and the sea and characterized by little houses, laying down on the rock and going straight to the sea, Positano is a wonderful little village of the Amalfi Coast. The heart of the famous Amalfi Coast town enjoys one of the most amazing sea overview and it works up in a vertical line, that is the reason of the characteristic long staircases. The centre of Positano converges towards the beach and it is characterized by alleys and small streets, hosting many shops of local handicraft and Positano fashion. The beach of Positano, named Spiaggia Grande, hosts famous and excellent Restaurants on the sea and prestigious hotels. Positano is the flagship of the tourist realty of the Amalfi Coast, thanks to its flourishing international elite tourism . Do not miss our Amalfi Coast Minicruise, during which you will have the chance to enjoy a fantastic stop to Positano.

star rating  Personale molto qualificato sempre con il sorriso, molto cordiali e disponibili, un bell'esempio di ricettività.

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19 February 2019

star rating  Gita di 4 ore pomeridiana da Maiori a Positano, con sosta a Positano (impossibile muoversi per la mole di gente) un bagno al largo al ritorno, la simpatia di Francesco... read more

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4 October 2018